Preparing for AP testing

Mariam Hassan Ali, Reporter

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As advanced placement tests approach, students start to wonder how they are going to prepare for that big test. These tests take place in May and students must know all the materials that they studied throughout the year.

AP courses have many benefits. If the student that is taking an AP course earns A or a B, his or her GPA rises by one point. Also, if the student passes the AP test in May, then he or she can earn college credits.

At Venice High School, many AP classes are offered. Some of these are AP Biology, Calculus A/B and B/C, Chemistry, Environmental Science, United States History, English Language and Literature, Statistics.

In order to succeed, it is important to:
‱Recognize your weakness, and how to overcome it by getting help from teachers and books, for example.
‱Don’t wait until the last minute to study for the test. Start early and map out a study plan.
‱Use practice materials like buying the book and taking practice tests. Plan a study group: some students prefer studying with their friends, because they can ask for help if needed.
‱On the day of the test or the night before, you need to stay calm. Many people start to panic on the night or day of the exam. Just take a deep breath and remind yourself that you studied hard and you will do your best.

Edgar Sanchez, a sophomore taking AP Biology and AP World History, suggests going online, reading the test book over and over again, and going to the library to practice questions online and checking out books.

Hagar Hassan Ali, a junior taking four AP classes such as AP Chemistry, English Language, US History and Art History, suggests developing a schedule to study for at least an hour each day and attend as many reviews as possible that teachers might provide you.

‱Eat healthy breakfast.