Track has finally come to an End

Jacob Jimenez, Asst. Entertainment Editor

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Track and field season is at an end with a record of 14-15, but some individuals are already practicing for next season. The coach is trying different methods of training to make the team better and faster. Coach Vidal Sandoval hopes to take students to Mammoth Lakes during the summer to train at different elevations and get a good workout.

The coach and runners believe that the team’s overall record could have been better. However Coach Sandoval has high hopes for next year.

“My two best runners are a 10th grader and a 11th grader, so we have replacements for the seniors that are leaving this year,” he said.

Runner Mathew Elias made it to City Finals in the high jump. Elias did not make it to state, but said he gave it his all.

Elias hopes he and his team do better next year. “I am going to run in the sand with a weighted vest and train a lot harder. I made it City Finals with the high jump at 6’6, out of nine people. I have mixed feelings about making to City, but I feel happy about it.”

“My personal record was 58 seconds for the 400m and for the long jump is 17’8,” said runner Chris Hernandez, a senior. ”I do feel that the record could have been better and I feel that I could have done better this season with more training over the weekends.”