Being a teenager is really hard. Navigating the waters of school, friendships, blooming romanticism, and growing independence and responsibility is tough. On top of that, we’re expected to take care of ourselves, maintain healthy relationships with friends and family, and not obsess over the little things. The little things add up — I know.
Especially in this past year, I’ve done nothing but learn about all the pressures of those little things. First, it was feeling isolated from my peers and teachers. Then, it was strategizing for college apps. To top it off, I had to work to help support my family. Don’t forget to add on extracurriculars, friendships, and a relationship, I found myself dealing with a lot at only 17.
However, if this year taught me anything, it’s that resilience is a huge virtue. Knowing that you have the ability to work through strife, difficulty, and obstacles is a huge motivator for success. Beyond me, I’ve seen my peers emulate this spirit incredibly well. So many of my closest friends are off to live amazing lives, and seeing them work and power through this incredibly difficult year (amidst an incredibly difficult period of life) has been so moving.
If I give you any advice, it’s this: talk to those around you. Get intimate. Let them know how you’re doing, and be receptive when they come to you. When you need help, reach out for it. That’s the only reason why I’ve been able to make it.