Nicole Rosales
Denim Day Week at Venice is Wednesday this week April 27. It’s also Sexual Assault Awareness month. I encourage you to wear denim and to show support for sexual assault survivors and to eliminate victim blaming.
The story of Denim Day begins when 18 year-old woman was sexually assualted in Italy in 1992. She reported the rape and the perpetrator was arrested and convicted. But years later, he appealed the conviction claming that they had consensual sex.
It’s not 1992 anymore, but we are still dealing with sexual assault as an issue. It’s something we should all fight against, and wearing jeans on Denim Day is an excellent way to support survivors.
Many people are not aware of Denim Day, or may have heard the term before but don’t know the story of this campaign. I think teachers should set aside time to talk about Denim Day and sexual assault. Teachers should take time and talk about sexual assualt during times when they see the class is struggling and invite students to participate in the campaign. It’s something everybody should be aware of.
Denim Day shows all sexual assault survivors that they are not alone, and they have more people supporting them through their journey. There have been many incidents of sexual assault that have gone ignored and unreported. Perpetrators may not get the appropriate conviction they deserve either.
So wear your jeans. Support the Denim Day campaign so survivors’ voices can be heard.