Nicole Rosales
Starting in the 2022-2023 school year, LAUSD will introduce “acceleration days,” which are targeted instructional days aimed to help students whose learning was impacted during the 2020 and 2021 school years.
According to principal Cynthia Headrick, acceleration days are “intended to support students who have fallen behind or who need support on a certain skill in a class.”
Acceleration days will be August 15, October 19, December 7, March 15, and April 19.
These days will become optional for students and staff to attend. If students choose to attend they will be given a task to do for the day. However, “select students will be asked to attend,” Headrick said.
Additionally, any teacher or adults that works that day will be given more compensation.
Freshman Samantha Hartmann said that she is unsure about how effective accelerated learning will be.
“I think the idea is good if they had done it right after quarantine to refresh us on everything,” she said.
Some of the activities will look a lot different during these accelerated days in comparison to traditional school days. Families and students are invited to meet with counselors, while students can work on making up missing assignments, sign up for tutoring, take mini-lessons taught in classes for specific concepts, or take a mini-course on AVID-type study skills such as taking notes and annotating.
The days will not impact overall attendance, according to Headrick. However, the four optional days will be added to the end of the school year.