Shia Wade
Kids enjoying there time at Margrets Place
Margaret’s Place, in Room 210 in the East Building, is a safe place for people to forget about everything stressful surrounding them or just a positive hangout.
“We educate students on mental health issues, violence, toxic relationships and the signs.” said Brittney, the Margaret Place organizer.
Margaret’s Place wants teens to have a better understanding of what the signs of a abusive relationship might look like or how it may feel. They also teach about mental health issues. Simple teachings like this to teens may help prevent violence of any kind. Margaret’s Place is open at nutrition and lunch. Kids have created rules and agreements for being in the room.
Margaret’s Place is a pretty chill space where you can relax, listen to music, and you can interact with everyone else who is in there. Britney allows students to talk to her and open up about their relationships or anything they would like to get off their chest.
Brittney sits down with teens who seem to be angry or agitated. She talks with them and tries to find the root of the problem. Brittney keeps an open door policy in case students feel overwhelmed or unsafe in any way. She’s also very close to the social worker here at Venice, Ms. Amondo. “She and I talk about ways to better support students and teachers,” said Brittney. Teachers will be having training on how to be aware and approach students if they seem angry. Students who may feel scared because school shootings, are encouraged to go to Margaret’s Place.
The person who founded this national program was Joe Torre. Torre was a baseball player in high school. He suffered from domestic abuse,. His father physically abused his mother and verbally abused Torre and his siblings. Torre wanted a safe place to talk about things so that he knew he wasn’t alone. He believed there should be room like this in every school. When he grew older and started earning money, he founded Margaret’s Place, named after his mother. Torre first founded Margaret’s Place in New York.