Art Show displays students’ talents
April 15, 2015
The second annual Student Art Show, sponsored by the MEDIA Small Learning Community, was held at Venice High from April 8 to 10.
Various students from Ms. Margo Fownes Intro to Art and Painting classes, Mr. Chris Wright’s Intro to Art and AP Studio Art classes and Ms. Ruth Greene’s English classes created the art pieces.

The show was held in the Fine Arts Building located at the eastern end of the East Building. Teachers were invited to bring their classes to the art show, allowing students to see their peers’ artwork. A parent and community reception was held the evening of April 9, where parents where able to see the art pieces created by students.
During the art show, students were able to vote for their favorite art pieces. The best four pieces received awards. First place was Katy Santa Cruz with “Majestic Elephant” and second place was Karla Abad’s “Garden”. Third place was Nicole Kishimoto with “Japanese Mountains” and fourth place was Joanna Galvez’ “Lana Del Rey.” The winners received gift cards from the local Jamba Juice at Villa Marina Marketplace at 4375 Glencoe Ave.

Artwork of different landscapes, flowers, portraits, and political cartoons were present at the show. Art pieces that were on display included sculptures of different animals, emphasizing different textures.
“I thought the art show was very interesting,” said junior Nancy Santillan. “My favorite art pieces were the animal sculptures.”
“It’s nice to see fellow students do something that isn’t just all academics and having to do with intellect. Creativity is just as important and I enjoyed seeing the art,” said junior Joanna Galvez.