Grease Night Comes Back To Venice High

Mame Fatou Thiaw, Reporter

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Grease Night will return to Venice tomorrow for the first time since COVID-19.

The event will be located on Watson Field. There will be snacks and drinks served by different clubs and Venice High organizations. 

Grease is one of the most popular movies that has been filmed at Venice High. Years ago, the Venice High School Alumni Association created Grease Night, and it’s grown into a big event ever since.

“It’s a big event attended by not just students at Venice High but the community and all fans of the film Grease” said science teacher Brian Bleser, who is the alumni association’s historian. “Grease has always been something near to the hearts of Venice High School and the Venice  Alumni Association.”

At dusk, the movie will start and will be shown on an inflatable screen. The event also “turns into a sing-along where everyone sings along to all the songs,” said Bleser. Attendees can bring their blankets or chairs and get comfortable. 

Merchandise from the alumni association, including hats, t-shirts and food will also be sold at the event. A raffle will also happen.

According to senior Brianna Rosales-Sanchez, the president of Knights and Ladies, “There will be games such as ping-pong hosted by Prime Time sports teams and the Class Of 2023 club will also have a photo booth that has Grease Night templates as well

Grease Night is free entry. There is VIP seating too. Contact to reserve a spot.