Venice Students and Teachers Adjust to Remote Learning

Courtesy of Captain Dobbs.

Geography Teacher Captain Dobbs motivates and keeps students up to date through instagram live streamings.

Carmen Perez, Features Editor

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Friday, March 13 was the last day of regular classes, before LAUSD shut down its schools due to the COVID-19 outbreak crisis. Conventional education changed completely for students from Venice High School and all over the country.

Teachers no longer are able to teach students in the classroom, but are teaching online. All teachers have kept students up to date on Schoology to provide them with their school work.

Some teachers have opted to use online platforms such as Zoom and Fipgrid to teach their classes and interact with students just like they would do in their classrooms. Some have even created temporary Instagram accounts in order to do livestream lessons. 

“The thing I like about Instagram live streams is that I can record it and that way if someone is busy at the time or has some technical difficulties, it will be always available so they can watch it later,” said geography teacher Captain Dobbs. 

Some other teachers are only sending classwork through Schoology without teaching online or doing live lectures. 

“None of my teachers are doing online lectures,” .said senior Mateo Holguin. “I miss normal classes because I received the information better. I don’t like having to learn the work by myself. It just makes everything more difficult.”  

 “Going to school is way better, there is some material you might not get and it is hard to get in touch with the teacher when you need them the most,” said senior Tarek Doufash. 

Teachers have also had concerns and difficulties adjusting to this different way of teaching. 

“I do worry going forward about the students who are unable to attend or who are simply not plugged into school now that we are not physically on campus,” said Italian teacher Carolyn Willcox. “The district is working on getting a device in the hands of all students who need them, as well as internet for those who are not connected at home.” 

 Although the transition has been challenging , some students have found a positive outcome.

 “I enjoy it because it’s not as serious as in a real classroom, but we are still learning. I can also eat and take breaks whenever I want,” said senior Camden Mah. 

Teachers have also enjoyed being able to teach their students during this unexpected and unfortunate situation.

“The best part about my first Zoom classes was seeing my students. It was even hard to hang up on each session,” said Ms. Willcox.

 Teachers will continue to communicate with students via Schoology providing work activities, homework and materials necessary to cover school work.

 Spectrum is providing students with free wifi for two months so if you, or someone you know needs internet, please call 1-844-488-8398. If you need to borrow a Chromebook to use during this time of online instruction, call 310-577-4299 or email