Venice High School is great because…..
Venice has received many awards for great achievements.
March 16, 2015
In the past few days, Venice High has been receiving a lot of negative attention. However, Venice High has award-winning programs, highly qualified teachers and many motivated and high achieving students.
We encourage people to help promote positivity about Venice High and be aware of all the school’s achievements. To further this cause, we ask the public to comment on the positive qualities of Venice High.
See a list of Venice High students’ awards and honors.
Your comments will be reviewed and published within 24 hours. Your email is necessary for approval, but it will not appear in the published comment. Post your comments below and start with “Venice High is great because …”
Update: See #VeniceHighSchoolisgreatbecause on Twitter!!! Going viral!
See our tweet box on right hand column of this webpage to see some of the tweets going out about Venice High. Updated March 18, 2015
Mary Smith-Venice High School Junior Parent • Apr 8, 2015 at 6:58 AM
Venice High School is great because of the excellent academic and athletic programs, the varied school social and service clubs, the four excellent academic programs ie. Media, Earth Justice, World Language and Global Studies and the STEMM Magnet programs and of course the Venice High Gondo school spirit held by students, parents, the faculty, the administration, the staff and the community at Venice High School. We have the highest API of 891 of the Westside High Schools.
Many of the faculty at Venice are Nationally Board Certified teachers and have excellent teaching credentials and experience. There are many opportunities for parent involvement ie. PTSA, Friends of Venice Magnet, School Based Management Comm., ELAC, volunteering on campus in a specific department or activity, school Beautification days, cheering on the athletic teams and supporting our many student scholar athletes.
My student has been attending Venice High since Freshman year in the World Language and Global Studies program. Prior to attending Venice, my student attended Beethoven Elementary and Mark Twain Middle School. I am very pro attending and supporting your local, neighborhood school where you can attend the same schools together with friends and classmates from Kindergarten through High School.
Venice High has been very welcoming to me, my family and my local parent friends. There is excellent communication and participation between students/parents and the faculty, staff and the administration at Venice High.
Call the campus and take a tour of Venice High-you won’t be disappointed! If you are a current parent, student or community member, I urge you to volunteer on campus and get involved in giving back and supporting all the wonderful achievements and ongoing programs at Venice High. Go Gondoliers of Venice High School!!
Carreon, Jessica • Mar 21, 2015 at 12:53 AM
I came here for freshman year but transferred out for sophomore year. What a mistake. Venice has such great teachers, and everyone there is much more involved with the world around them, let it be due to Ms. Roberts’ class or programs like Heal the Bay. Venice High School feels like what high school should feel like. Beautiful campus, great people, and lots of story-worthy experiences. I miss you, Venice High! The school I’m at could never compare to you!
SDR • Mar 19, 2015 at 2:46 PM
Venice High Is Great Because of its lovely students, whose gentleness and tolerance of spirit is palpable. Generalities do not reference outliers, by definition — of course there will be exceptions. But by and large I can think of no student body I’ve ever encountered that is quite as sweet as these students. Go figure.
An exceptional set of students is fortunate to be under the care of experienced, professional, dedicated and truly CARING teachers. Some of these are truly *great* while others, not surprisingly, may be a little less-so. But the community of teachers as a whole is exceptional, and that is why WE CHOOSE VENICE.
We who know you, know you are not defined by a disaffected few.
¡Venice High School Is Great!
Maynor G. • Mar 17, 2015 at 6:16 PM
Venice High is great because of the people.
Aranza Naguanagua • Mar 17, 2015 at 5:50 PM
VHS is great because it has amazing, friendly, and open minded people and all the teachers go above and beyond to try and help students achieve their full potential.
Nilou Pourmoussa • Mar 17, 2015 at 12:08 PM
As the College Counselor at Venice High School, I see many vibrant and motivated students whose main goal is to pursue post secondary education so not only hey can thrive, but also, they can come back to Venice and pay back to the community. Last year, we had over 85% of our students committing to universities and community colleges. Last week alone, we took more than 70 seniors to WLAC and SMC so they can take their placement tests, and our school funded both trips. More than 50 juniors went to CSUN to evaluate the Honors Program there and learn more about admission and financial aid. Students are welcome in our offices and we meet with students and parents on a regular basis. Many informative nights are organized so parents and students benefit from the information provided.
As the College Counselor, I cannot fathom that one isolated incident leaves a negative impact on all of the hard work that we do here at Venice High School.
Reina Roberts • Mar 17, 2015 at 11:56 AM
I have been at Venice for nearly 11 years and have loved almost every minute of it. We have a beautiful campus, a ton of history, great students, and an experienced staff that cares a lot about the students and quality teaching. People choose to be here because they want to be here.
Marcy Winogrd • Mar 16, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Here’s the statement I gave to an Argonaut reporter who contacted me …
I have no detailed knowledge of the facts surrounding the investigation,
though I do know why Venice HS is popular among students. Venice HS
is known for having extremely dedicated and committed faculty members,
some of whom are alumni of Venice HS and have chosen to return to the
school they love. Others, like Maria Ercilla, our transition teacher, is an award-winning
poet whose poetry readings about life’s dichotomies inspire my students to tap into their well of creativity.
While there are other high schools in Venice, our high school is the one that is
rooted in the community, with a diverse population of Latino, African American and
Caucasian students who respect the richness of this diversity. We, as a faculty,
are striving to implement project-based learning, where last Spring my small
learning community — Earth Justice — sponsored a student-organized environmental
fair featuring interactive presentations and student-made films about our plastic-dependent
consumer culture and the need to protect our planet.
Students at Venice High School can take wonderful electives, such as sports medicine where they transcend the classroom to work with our school’s athletes on the field, and music electives where choir students perform at Disney Hall and throughout the city of Los Angeles. Our theater arts department is phenomenal, with professional stagings of popular plays such as Hairspray and Greece, which was filmed as a major motion picture at Venice HS, steps from my classroom.
I’m particularly proud of the vast array of student clubs offered at Venice HS, and was recently invited to speak at the Feminist Club that includes both girls and boys. We also have
other wonderful clubs, such as Heal the Bay, Cheer or Drill Team, POPS (Pain of the Prison Population) for friends and relatives of inmates, Robotics, Written Voice (creative writing), and Students Run LA. In fact, one of my 10th great students walked into English class today beaming, proudly wearing and eliciting applause for the medal she earned completing the marathon yesterday — and every week the running club of about 30 students meets in my classroom after school before hitting the track.
Of course, Venice HS, like many public schools today, would benefit from more resources, particularly counseling staff and computers. Some of us are interested in offering ethnic studies courses next year, so we’ll be looking at curriculum designed to recognize and value the history of all of our students.
Though my students were understandably distracted last Friday when the media trucks parked outside the high school, today these same students were focused on their work — outlining five-paragraph essays, discussing denotation vs. connotation, and reading an AP text about challenges to the First Amendment. Students are remarkably resilient, so today it was academics as usual.
(I teach English in a special day setting with students who have mild disabilities, such as high-functioning autism, visual or audio processing problems, and attention deficit.)
Harry Phillips • Mar 16, 2015 at 1:57 PM
Venice High is great because it is the only LAUSD high school that is not fenced off. It is very free and beautiful.
Simran Ali • Mar 16, 2015 at 1:54 PM
Venice High is great because we have programs that allow us to explore opportunities that help us succeed and be more involved. Venice High is great because here every student is taught to display their best and respect the diverse cultures. Our teachers are amazing and highly qualified and help us out in every way possible.