Pets Have Importance In People’s Lives

Angeline Sanabria, Reporter

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Almost all American families have at least one pet in their household. They hold a really special place in our hearts. 

Although it can become quite hectic to take care of animals, you create bonds with them just like humans. Pets do require a lot of care and attention but in return they provide us with better overall health. Multiple studies have shown that having pets can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health. 

Freshman Emily Hernandez has an English bulldog named Maui. She’s had her dog for five years and spends quality time within her  by going on walks or watching TV together. 

“She definitely has a positive impact on my mental health,” she says. “Yesterday was a really rough day and she could tell something was up with me. She spent the entire afternoon in my room with me.”  

Daily walks for your pet is one way in which they positively impact your physical health. This is because you are more likely to reach the criteria for regular moderate exercise. 

Have you ever seen a dog on the street and smiled or pointed to it so that someone else can see it? Simply the presence of animals brings us joy, I find it really wholesome. 

A study conducted by the Human Animal Bond Research Institution showed that the presence of a pet dog or cat had a significant impact on blood pressure. It resulted in lower diastolic and systolic blood pressure compared to people who did not have pets.

Freshman Alex Love has a dog who’s named Choc, short for Chocolate. Together, they go on walks, on drives, to the beach, and to parks. They even go to Starbucks together and she gets him a Pup Cup—a cup full of whipped cream. 

“If you’ve lost a loved one or someone close to you, a pet helps you with emotional support,” she says.  

Love had a cat who passed away this year and her dog can tell that her mood has changed. “He’s recently been more around me,” she says. 

Pets also have a positive impact on your mental health. The National Institutes of Health conducted a study showing how animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood. Animals provide a sense of comfort and support. The study went on to add how dogs can help reduce patients’ stress and anxiety, students diagnosed with ADHD, and teens to manage their diabetes. 

Music teacher Wendy Sarnoff has a pet rabuat, which is a cross between a raccoon, a bunny, and a rat. She is named Tiller, after the stick on a boat which runs the rudder. 

Tiller requires lots of love and attention. 

“You have to invest hours and hours of time, they need to be handled two or three times daily.” Ms Sarnoff says. “I just pick her up and I hold her in my arms and I walk around the house, or I take her with her leash. Yesterday she went to our boat and walked around, and she hung out,” she says. 

She believes that pets absolutely have a positive impact on mental health. 

“It’s been proven scientifically. They lower heart rate, they cause us to live longer, they cause us to keep our focus off ourselves,” she says. “When we look at their little puppy eyes, it’s like, ‘I love you no matter what you are.’ Animals are just like that, and they’re very forgiving.” 

Overall our pets help us in different ways. I have four pets, three dogs and one cat so I value them. I have two dalmatians and one chihuahua. The dalmatians’ names are Lucky and Harley, my chihuahua is named Daisy and my cat is named Milo. They mean the world to me and I wouldn’t be able to picture life without them. We should create memories and cherish every moment we have with our pets.