Homecoming Dance
Homecoming King Justin Cauley and Homecoming Queen Shara Wade.
October 27, 2017
With a lot of dancing and celebrating, Venice High students enjoyed this year’s Great Gatsby-themed homecoming dance. The dance happened on Oct. 14 inside the West Gym.
Homecoming court was announced during the dance, including Homecoming King Justin Cauley, and Queen Shara Wade. The court was also presented later on, during the homecoming game.
ASB Leadership students were responsible for the incredible decorations, which topped last year’s Hollywood-themed dance such as feathery table decorations and sparkly lights around the dance floor. A lot more dance floor space available meant more space for students and their guests to enjoy dancing all night.
The theme also made an impact on the students’ outfit choices. Even though most students dressed up according to nowadays fashion or the way it pleased them, some people dressed up according to the 1920’s fashion to implement the theme into their clothing. Students had fun with feathers, sparkles, hats, and etc.
“Homecoming was really fun,” said ASB Historian Leslie Arenas. “My favorite thing was just seeing everyone dance together and having a good time.”
Students could buy dinner for $10, drinks for $1, and get free dessert. A fun photo booth was available for students who paid for it prior to the dance.
“Being homecoming queen is an honor, since the alumni chose me out of other four girls,” said Wade, Homecoming Queen and ASB President. “This year’s dance was much better than last year, even just the decorations. Even though I had to work before and after the dance, all of ASB’s hard work was very much worth it.”
While some students complained that there was too much Latino music, it was clear most people who attended still had lots of fun. Venice High’s homecoming dance was definitely worth attending, specially for the seniors who were enjoying their last homecoming experience.
“I had a lot of fun during the dance,” said junior Aidan Yoo. “It was my first homecoming and even though I didn’t like the song choices, I had lots of fun with my friends.”

Homecoming Court 2017