Saying Farewell to the Oarsman Seniors!

Sebastien Balembois, Sports Reporter

Reading Time: 5 minutes



  1. How many years have you been on the staff?
  2. What was your favorite Oarsman memory?
  3. What will you miss the most?
  4. What did you learn from being in journalism?

Julissa Ventureno

Bryce Rodriguez (Editor-in-Chief)

  • 2 years
  • Favorite Oarsman memory was travelling to Seattle for the convention as a junior
  • I will miss staying after school for layout and hanging out with other editors.
  • I learned to communicate in different ways, become a better writer, become more self empowered and an intellectual.

Joshua Fenty ( Web Editor-in-Chief) 

  • 2 years
  • When we were in Seattle for the convention last year. We had a lot of fun, stayed up late and learned a lot of things about journalism.
  • I’m going to miss working on the newspaper with my friends, and though I plan to pursue journalism in college, it won’t be the same and I will miss everyone.
  • It taught me how to be firm with people, even though they’re your friends and you don’t want to be mean, and how to be a leader

Julissa Ventureno

Emily Elias (Opinion Editor)

  • 2 years
  • When we were at the convention in Seattle last year and I fell in the park in front of everyone.
  • I’m going to miss spending time with my friends and writing stories.
  • I learned how to be more confident in my opinions, more confident in my writing and how to take in criticism from others.

Julissa Ventureno

Samantha Espinoza (Features Editor)

  • 2 years
  • The Christmas potluck before winter break last semester because the whole staff was together, we had a lot of fun and played games.
  • Late nights because that’s when you get to know everyone and have fun.
  • I learned how to be a great leader and produce a great newspaper every issue.

Julissa Ventureno

Mireya Curiel (Photo Editor)

  • 2 years
  • When Bryce would sing “Deepthroat” by Cupcakke
  • I’m going to miss the late nights the most, taking pictures, writing opinion stories and seeing people’s reactions and knowing all the gossip around school.
  • I learned more about photography and how to work collectively in order to make deadline.

Julissa Ventureno

Mya Gates (Asst. Web Editor)

  • 1 year
  • Late nights because of how it’s social thing  and you get to know everyone on a more social level even though it’s about finishing stories
  • I’m going to miss Ms. Zubiri screaming at us.
  • I learned how to improve my writing skills and how to interview people.

Julissa Ventureno

April Cuarenta (Asst. News Editor)

  • 2 years
  • When it was a late night and Ms. Zubiri ran out to run an errand and we turned off the lights and tried to scare her but we kept on messing up. Also, listening to Emily sing.
  • I’m going to miss the late nights, and the get togethers specifically the winter break potluck.
  • I learned that you cannot procrastinate and that you have to do everything when it’s assigned, definitely when you have a deadline. Also, that you have to proofread very well so that there are no mishaps.

Julissa Ventureno

Esdras Melgar (Broadcaster)

  • 6 months
  • When we went to the San Francisco convention.
  • I’m going to miss spending time with people who genuinely care about what is going on at our school and in the world.
  • I learned that speaking your truth is the most important tool that you have.

Julissa Ventureno

Adamarys Abad ( Reporter )

  • 1 year
  • When we went to the San Francisco convention
  • I’m going to miss the friends that I made in this class and the connections we made.
  • I learned how to have a voice, speak my mind without being scared and to say what I have to say.

Julissa Ventureno

Aracelly Cotrina ( Reporter)

  • 2 years
  • When we went to Seattle and we were waiting for pizza in the hotel room.
  • I’m going to miss late nights because of the really good food and hanging out with friends.
  • I learned how to become a better writer.

Julissa Ventureno

Rebecca Halfacre (Reporter)

  • 1 year
  • When we went to San Francisco for the convention.
  • I’m going to miss all the friends I made in this class.
  • I learned how to interview people more confidently and how to become less shy.

Julissa Ventureno

Yume Kamal (Reporter)

  • 1 year
  • When we went to the convention in San Francisco
  • I’m going to miss the late nights, the stories, the stress
  • I learned how to write for the newspaper which is different from writing in English class

Julissa Ventureno

Alejandro Sanchez (Reporter) 

  • 1 year
  • When we all went out to the local businesses and asked them if they wanted to place ads in the newspaper
  • I’m going to miss having a period where all I do is write because writing is very fun for me.
  • I learned certain skills in writing that I did not learn in my normal English class.