Holiday Food

Jessica Sample, Reporter

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s the holiday season and the smell of tasteful food is in the air. The bubbling apple pie, the sizzling potatoes and the roasting turkey in the oven. Gathering together with friends and family to prepare delicious meals is a large portion of the love that ponders throughout the holidays.  

Many cultures have popular dishes that are especially present during the holidays. “My favorite holiday food is my grandmother’s tamales because they’re delicious and make me feel in touch with my culture,” said Roberto Lemus. The kitchen gives people a safe space to enjoy the company of their loved ones and make memories as they approach the end of the year. 

“Cauliflower with melted cheese and breadcrumbs is my favorite holiday food because it really reminds me of my grandmother because I help her make it and it brings me at home with her,” exclaimed Sasha Bok with a smile on her face. 

The holiday season is also a time to reflect and have gratitude towards the things at hand and what better way to do that, then to give thanks around an enormous feast. 

“My favorite holiday food is manicotti–lasagna in a ravioli made with ricotta cheese–and the reason I like it is that it reminds me of my great-grandmother who handmade those when I was younger,” said AP Statistics teacher Mr. Bruno. “I can still remember the first time she taught me how to make those with her and it’s a memory I’ll never forget because she was always a big part of my life and those memories are all we have left after our loved ones pass.” 

The holiday season is always a very warm time as the year comes to a halt and scrumptious food makes this time of the year even more exciting.

“My great-grandmother has this recipe for cookies that we make every year on Rosh Hashanah called Mandel Bread and it’s my absolute favorite cookie that is very delicious,” said Judah Braman.