Mr. Eduardo Serna

Carter Nowak, Features Assistant Editor

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Eduardo Serna, Graphic Design Teacher:


What is your philosophy in life?

“Do others as you want them to do to you.”

What is your biggest struggle right now?

“Balancing life and work. There are times when I have to stay after school to do projects and work with students when I need to be home to take care of personal things and family.”

What has been the happiest moment of your life?

“Having accomplished my goals, knowing that I didn’t back up from them or quit. Those are always my happiest moments.”

What is your goal in life?

“At this moment my goal is to reach retirement and retire happily.”

What has been the saddest moment of your life?

“When I used to work at Lincoln High School in Lincoln Heights, it was bigfilled with a lot of gang activity and I lost many students to gang violence.”

What moment of your life has impacted you the most?

“Being born and raised in East L.A, seeing a lot of gangs, people getting killed. I realized I didn’t want to be into that, I had to go the other way which was stick to school, stay away from gangs, and stay away from bad influences. I learned how to stay away from trouble.”