How Venice Students are Taking Advantage of the Stay-at-Home Orders

How Venice Students are Taking Advantage of the Stay-at-Home Orders

Hiromi Maeda

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As students continue to endure the “pain” of staying at home, most have found different ways to cope with the fact that they’re forced to keep a six-foot distance with friends and loved ones. Since March 12, students have more free time due to their release from school; but because of this, they’ve been able to acquire different hobbies during this quarantine. 

“The most interesting thing I’ve done personally is learn how to skateboard,” Zoe Ford said. “I began to get really good at it until I sprained my ankle really bad and I had to go on crutches for two weeks. It basically took away my ability to do any physical activity, but now my foot healed, so hopefully I can go back to doing it.” 

Since school sports are officially cancelled for this season,  students have found different ways to continue to stay in shape while still staying safe and distant. Although this quarantine has halted most students and the community’s regular outdoor activities, they’ve still managed to maneuver their way around it.

“I’ve been running every day, as well as picking up the hobby of making clothes from fabric I have,” said Andres Fuentes.

Fuentes has been able to recycle old fabric pieces and transform them into something brand new. Not only has he been able to recycle and recreate new clothing but, he’s also been able to stay fit while staying safe. 

While students have found new hobbies to try out, others have been able to celebrate family reunions while still applying the six-foot rule. 

“Recently, my cousin came back from jail and to celebrate, we painted our sidewalk with chalk while still standing six feet apart,” said senior Erin Michaels. 

Even though they may not have been able to hug or celebrate normally, Micheals’ friends and family were still able to find different ways to celebrate with each other whilst still keeping everyone safe. 

Since quarantine began, many events and competitions have been forced to postpone. While some did, others organized ways to pursue the events in safe and creative ways. 

“I had an art competition that was set to take place at LMU but since quarantine, they had to cancel it and now I am tasked to create a video of me presenting my art piece.” Ian Peterson said. “Now I have to wait until the judges review my video and see if I qualify as a winner or not.” 

“ So far during this quarantine, I’ve been doing countless indoor activities and some outdoor,” said senior Bryanna Butler. “I recently took a bike ride with my mom and brother to The Grove, we wore masks and gloves and brought our own lunch and we had a mini picnic on the grassy area that they have; I’ve also been excessively dying my hair and learning how to embroider as well as make clay animals to keep busy,” 

While some choose to stay home and continue to take that extra precaution, others such as Butler have still found ways to connect with their usual hangout spots while still wearing masks and gloves around others.