Freshman Nominated for The Congress of Future Medical Leaders

Zoe Woodrick, News Editor

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Freshman Kenneth Santay has recently had the honor of being nominated for The Congress of Future Medical Leaders, which is an honors program for students who plan to work in medical research fields. 

The honor will be given to Santay on March 26th and 27th, 2022. The Congress will present Nobel laureates, National Medal of Science winners, and give presentations about the future of the medical field. 

The program gets students involved with opportunities that will help them reach their goals of working in different medical fields. 

Nominated by Nobel laureate in Physiology Dr. Mario Capecchi, Santay is excited to be a part of the Congress of Future Medical Leaders.

“I feel happy, special, and humbled for being chosen at my early age of 14 years old,” said Santay.

With plans on working in radiology beyond high school, Santay is ready to take strides towards becoming someone in the medical field. 

“I plan to be a doctor,” he said. “I’m debating being a general doctor or a cardiologist.”

Victor Komlos, Santay’s previous soccer coach and long-time moral compass, said, “I’m not surprised by his academic success, because it has been developed through curiosity and hard work.”

Kenneth made the commitment to himself to work to understand challenging subjects and material. I have no doubt he will become a great doctor and scientist one day.”