The Election Of Karen Bass Gives Los Angeles A Prospective Future


Mame Fatou Thiaw, Reporter

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Last month, Karen Bass defeated billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso in the race for mayor of Los Angeles. She is the first woman and woman of color to be elected and also succeeded in defeating billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso. 

When I heard she won the election I was beyond thrilled. I thought, “Wow, we finally have a woman that won for mayor after having years of male mayors.” I feel the spot she took was well deserved and I feel like she represents what she stands on (and actually will show action and what she says she will do).

I believe Bass has the strength to change this city. It really caught my ear when Bass said that she “will declare a state of emergency’’ on homelessness and find housing for 17,000 homeless people in her first year. I’m really thrilled to hear someone is finally going to step up to make a solution for the biggest problem in our city, homelessness. In my opinion, that’s such a good first step.

I’m so excited to hear and see more things she has to offer to our city to make it a better place.