Venice High Experiences Up And Down Weather Conditions

Robert Gavidia, Layout Editor

Reading Time: < 1 minute

To kick off the Spring semester, Venice High has had its share of rainy weather, which is something uncommon in the midst of California’s ongoing three-year drought.

 Causing flooding all around the state and record-breaking rain, this means crowded hallways during passing periods, slippery floors, and canceled sports games. 

The recent rain has helped in reducing California’s ongoing drought. Before the recent precipitation, 35% of the state was in extreme drought; but now most areas are either in moderate or severe drought.

Senior Lalainne Rendon has “very mixed feelings” about the rainy weather. 

“I love when the rain happens in the moment—maybe for like 10 minutes,” she said. “Then later on it happens, like 30 minutes in, it’s freezing. When lunchtime hit I was like, ‘Where do I go?’”

Pupil Service and Attendance Counselor Dr. Austin said that despite the weather conditions Venice’s attendance only experienced a “slight decrease,” which she said could be caused by many factors, such as transportation, proper clothes for the weather, illness, and traffic. 

Horticulture teacher Brian Bailey said he believes the rain is “definitely a positive thing.” 

“It prevents small difficulties that we have to work through, and it will give us a better harvest in the future.”

During the rain, a sinkhole popped into the Learning Garden which concerned Bailey. But in spite of the difficulties this weather brings, he hopes for another “good rain” in the coming months.