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Anthony Edwards: The Next Michael Jordan?

Gabriel Ginn
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last NBA season, the Timberwolves were simply underwhelming. They finished 42-40 for the season, then going 1-4 in the first round of the playoffs.

But this year, it seems like they’re turning it around, and the only explanation for this change is the one and only Anthony Edwards. 

Edwards last year was spectacular, but he didn’t stand out the same way he’s started to. 

Obviously a part of this is due to his on court performance and team performance, but there’s something else. Edwards has added a new dimension to his public image, so much so that he’s been compared to Michael Jordan in terms of charisma. 

The shift started with his shoes—the AE 1 Adidas are very reminiscent of the Air Jordan ads from the 1990s. The charisma in the Air Jordan ads were what made them special, and Edwards pulled off a perfect imitation. Edwards has a very likable media personality just like MJ. 

Both are also score-first shooting guards with the ability to dunk like they’re on a mini hoop, operate effectively from the midrange, and dominate games. 

NBA legends have been vocal about the similarities between Edwards and Jordan. 

Kevin Garnett compared the way Edwards attacks the basket to Jordan’s performance during his rookie season. This was at the beginning of Edward’s career. Kevin Garnett recognized Edwards’ potential as a force to be reckoned with in the NBA.

Charles Barkley also acknowledged the similarity, bringing Edwards’ remark about wanting to “kill everything in front of him” as reminiscent of Jordans competitive spirit.

Even Michael Jordan himself shared with First Things First co-host Chris Broussard that he sees similarities with Edwards’ game.

The way they play, their approach to the game, and their similar media personas all point towards a future for Anthony Edwards in the NBA.

The Timberwolves swept the Suns in the first round, which was surprising for everyone. Edwards played an amazing series, which was the beginning of his sudden rise in fame. 

After obliterating the Suns, the Wolves moved on to the reigning champions, the Nuggets. They just won Game 6 at the Nuggets’ home court by a landslide with a great performance from Edwards. 

When the Nuggets took the lead in this series, the hype around Edwards seemed to die down a bit. With the win to send the nuggets to Game 7, it’s been revived and is stronger than ever. Everyone is anticipating the game that will not only decide the Wolves’ postseason, but the future of Edwards’ career.

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