Blood Drive


Julissa Ventureno

As students get their blood drawn, a nurse poses in a silly way.

Jennifer Romo, Entertainment Editor

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Venice High School conducted its second annual blood drive this past Feb.22. The Association Student Body Leadership partnered with Cedars-Sinai Blood Donor Services to provide the opportunity for students to donate blood for a good cause of saving a life.

A total of 157 students donated blood, with everyone donating 1 pint. Blood donations are extremely safe, and it actually provides a variety of health benefits. According to the Cedars-Sinai website, blood donations provide anti-cancer benefits, maintain a healthy heart and liver, stimulate blood cell production, and prevent hemochromatosis, an iron disorder.

Donating blood is essential because approximately every 2 seconds someone in the United States is in need of blood which adds up to 44,000 units of blood every day according to a Cedars-Sinal employee that participated in the Venice High School blood drive.

“I am extremely happy I got to donate blood this year,” said sophomore Genesis Hernandez. “The staff was really friendly and I felt really safe and comfortable which led to a delightful experience. I encourage everyone that is eligible to donate blood to do so because we need to help people out somehow.”

The donation process involved filling out paperwork and a quick survey asking about the student’s health, and undergoing a brief health assessment by the worker. After donating blood, a 15-minute resting was required and free snacks were provided. Students also received a free T-shirt.

“Donating blood is extremely important to me,” said junior Darling Victoriano. “If I am ever involved in an accident I would like there to be enough blood for me to survive, I hope I’ll be able to save a life with my donation.”

Requirements to donate blood involved filling out a parent consent form if the student is under 18 years old, being a minimum of 16 years old, meeting weight criteria, and overall being in good health. In past years the requirement to donate blood was 17 years old.