Venice Switching from Jupiter Grades to Schoology

Aracelly Cotrina, Reporter

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Jupiter Ed grading program will no longer be used next year because LAUSD bought Schoology, a learning management system that includes grading. Teachers will have to use Schoology instead.
Some teachers like Mr. Bruno and Ms. Ruth Greene are currently using Schoology to put in grades and assignments, while others are still using Jupiter Ed.

Principal Oryla Wiedoeft had a meeting with teachers and asked them to use Schoology this year so they can see how it works.

Several teachers said they were on board with Schoology but they find Jupiter easier to navigate and their students like it more.

¨I don’t use schoology yet, I still use Jupiter, but next year we will start to use it,” said Mr. YY Chang.
Students were confused as to why the sudden change. Most of them have been using Jupiter Ed since their freshman year and they’re used to it already. Junior Celeste Arredondo said, ¨I like Jupiter because they email me my grades every week and it´s easier to keep up with.¨

¨The only thing I don’t like about Schoology is that students can´t check how much an assignment brought their grade up or down,¨ said Mr. Jess Rabinowitz.

“I really like Jupiter grades because it is easier to use and I find Schoology harder to navigate,” said junior Jasmine Rosales “My parents also find it easier because they can just check their email for my grades.”