Enjoi the Video



Nestor Judkins. B/S Tailslide. (extra steez not included.)

Chad Sharrieff, Asst. Photo Editor

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Enjoi, a skateboarding company, released their highly anticipated video, “Oververt,” Nov. 11, via iTunes. It was a very long wait since their last release, “Tweak the Beef”, which came out in 2012 and “Bag of Suck,” which came out in 2006. Fans were excited to see the new video.

The video included skaters such as: Louie Barletta, Cairo Foster, Caswell Berry, Nestor Judkins, Wieger Van Wageningen, Jimmy Carlin, Jose Rojo, Clark Hassler, Zack Wallin, Ben Raemers, and Thaynan Costa. Louie Barletta and Cairo Foster produced the video.

The video actually begins with Thaynan Costa’s gnarly frontside hardflip boardslide. All of the skaters who participated in the video have some special moments that will make your knees buckle.

“It is dope,” said Victor Villafana. “Everyone should watch it.”

It doesn’t matter if you skate or not, or whether you’re young or old. Everyone should watch this video! The funny thing about the video is that it includes some old school tricks along with throwback music.

“The video is a classic, an instant classic.” Cesar Villafana adds, “It is a true homage to the 80’s.”

I think the video is absolutely mind boggling. It’s very inspiring and a wonderful thing to own. The collector’s edition is $24.99 on skatewarehouse.com and $11.99 on iTunes for the HD version.

“It’s pretty creative,” said Tanner Thompson. ”Their skating is pretty gnarly. It is most definitely different than other skate videos out there, very entertaining; I would give it a 9 out of 10.”