Top 3 Irish Folklore Stories


Mya Gates

Banshee from Irish folklore.

Sonya Curiel, Entertainment Reporter

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What would be a better way to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day than reading these three creepy stories from Irish folklore?

  1. Dearg Due – The Red Blood Sucker

The Dearg Due, also known as The Red Blood Sucker, is an Irish legend based in Waterford, Ireland where there lived a beautiful woman with a heart of gold, according to the website Irish Central and the YouTube channel Snarled.

She was in love with peasant boy but was unable to be with him due to her father having already arranged for her to marry a much older and richer guy. He turned out to be an abusive husband who kept her locked in a  tower where he would only enter to feed and cut her for his entertainment.

When she couldn’t take any more of his abuse, she decided to take her own life, according to Snarled.When she arose from the grave, she wasn’t the same kind and beautiful woman she was before. She became the Dearg Due, the red blood sucker.

She would lure people to her grave with her siren song and when they would arrive she would suck the blood of her victims. To prevent this from happening, the locals would have to place stones on her grave.

2.The Banshee- An Omen of Death

From Irish and Scottish folklore, the Banshee is a female spirit who lives by the rivers who appears as a raggedy old woman, a ghost or a young and beautiful woman depending on their target,  according to the YouTube channel Snarled.

If the target hears a Banshee’s wail, that means that either the target or a loved one will die.

According to a video by Sapphire on the YouTube channel Snarled, a woman by the name Megan Matheson from Scotland sent a message describing her terrifying encounter with a banshee.

After the encounter, one of her friends called her and told her that her mother had passed away. Matheson didn’t believe in the paranormal and told Sapphire that she hoped that her encounter was just a dream.

  1. The Dullahan- The Headless Horseman

The Dullahan, also known as the headless horseman was one of the oldest legends in Ireland, according to Irish Central.

He is seen riding a black horse, no head on his shoulders, wearing a black cloak, and his skull in one hand.

He is an omen of death and when he stops riding his horse, a human dies. In order to for the victim to escape death, they would have to scare the Dullahan with a small amount of gold. There are many versions of this story and this was just one of them.