Julia Escobar, Managing Editor
I am Julia Escobar a current senior and the Managing editor of The Oarsman 2020-2021. I was the Editor-in-Chief in my junior year and Photo Editor my sophomore year— I have been here quite a while and love what journalism and this organization have taught me. Despite all of the different titles I have always stayed true to news writing and sports photography. This summer I interned for The Argonaut, a local Venice publication, covering different community events and extraordinary groups embracing the newfound quarantine culture. I hope to study International Relations and English in college with a dream of traveling across the globe writing about communities that are negatively portrayed by US media organizations in order to expose the beauty that can be found in all corners of the world.
Check out all my work at the bottom of this page and feel free to email me escobarjuliavista@gmail.com!